NWA 2898

Found: 2003
NorthWest Africa
Ordinary chondrite H7

An anonymous finder recovered a single stone of 136 g within the North African Sahara in 2003. A 23 g type specimen and one polished thin section are on deposit at MNB. Stefan Ralew of Germany holds the main mass. H7 type ordinary chondrites are very rare with only 19 meteorites known to have this classification.

You can order at the bottom of this page and the total amount including shipping will be sent to you by email.

Weight of specimen: 0.62g
Approximate size: 15x9x3mm
Price: 45$US


Weight of specimen: 0.74g
Approximate size: 18x13x1mm
Price: 53$US


Weight of specimen: 0.78g
Approximate size: 17x13x1mm
Price: 55$US


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