NWA 869

Found: 2000
NorthWest Africa
Ordinary chondrite L3-6

It is quite clear that meteorite collectors in Northwest Africa have discovered a large L chondrite strewn field at an undisclosed location. At least 2 metric tons of material comprising thousands of individuals has been sold under the name NWA 869 in the market places of Morocco and around the world. Individual masses are known to range from <1 g to >20 kg. It is certain that NWA 869 is paired with other NWA meteorites, although no systematic survey has been done. It is also possible that some stones sold as NWA 869 are not part of the same fall, although dealers are confident that most of the known masses are sufficiently distinctive from other NWA meteorites in terms of surface and internal appearance that the error rate should be fairly low. Scientists are advised to confirm the classification of any specimens they obtain before publishing results under this name.

You can order at the bottom of this page and the total amount including shipping will be sent to you by email.
Weight of specimen: 16.9gr
Approximate size: 30x20x16mm
Price: 17$US


Weight of specimen: 12.7gr
Approximate size: 35x25x12mm
Price: 19$US


Weight of specimen: 11.4gr
Approximate size: 32x29x8mm
Price: 17$US


Weight of specimen: 17.9gr
Approximate size: 37x31x12mm
Price: 27$US


Weight of specimen: 4.1gr
Approximate size: 45x26x1mm
Price: 10$US


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